Friday, February 8, 2008

Anyone else out there a big fan of Survivor?...

Okay, so there's really only one show that I follow (except for when The Bachelor is on!) and it's "Survivor". Did anyone else start watching last night's show of "Survivor:Fans vs. Favorites"? I really don't consider the "Favorites" any of mine, but oh well! I'm just relieved that Jonny Fairplay was kicked off the first episode...I really don't care for that notty boy...


MikeG Family said...

I wish I were more of a Survivor follower. I do, however, remember Johnny Fairplay. Isn't he the one that lied about his grandma dying? If so, I remember him as being a big jerk, and am glad he got kicked off! I'm so glad you blog now, and promise to check it often! Love you guys!

Ruuddudes said...

I've never been able to get into Survivor. Too many half-naked bodies, you know. Now, Biggest Loser. THAT is a good show! Oh, wait... it is full of half-naked bodies, too! Mine are cuter than yours! (Oh! Gross! Shoot me now) :)

Tracy Beckett said...

I LOVE Survivor...but don't watch it anymore either--too much skin with all my boys around. I'd sneak and watch it though if I was the only one home....

k8shoe said...

Don't watch Survivor anymore either but I'm sure if it's like any other "reunion" show that the Favorites are really just the ones who cause drama.....can't wait for the next Bachelor though because he looks really cute (and he has an accent).

Doney Days said...

Dan and I used to watch it. I wish I still made an effort. I do LOVE reality tv. Dan hates it! I have lots of reality shows that I watch, some I'm too embarrassed to admit to watching. I'll have to try to watch Survivor this week since there's a writer's strike and there's nothing else on!

val said...

Oh, I haven't watched survivor since Jonny Fairplay was on there...I'm so glad he got kicked off early this time! Instead, I watch scantilly clad singers and dancers on American Idol and So You think You Can Dance! Miss you dearly, and your page looks great!