Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Clearance sale in Kaycee's room

I sent Kaycee down to her room to clean it last weekend and the next thing I know, she's marching around the house trying to sell her junk (the stuff she doesn't want to put away)! Here's the sign she had made along with the stuff she was selling. Apparently Dad wanted to buy Kaycee, so he picked her up and bought her...she only cost a nickel! It looks like I have a little entrepreneur on my hands! (The funny thing...she's in the highest level reading/language class and aces her spelling tests...can you tell from this sign?!) Come on over, bring your nickels, and find a bargain!!


Jillian said...

that sign is awesome!!! what a funny girl, she is so cute!

Christian and Karen Robinson said...

Hahaha that is funny! I had to read the post before I could figure out "clearance".

val said...

You cutie, Kaycee! Do you take checks? My kids would probably buy everything you got....if only we were close enough to come shopping! Karm, your new background looks fantastic! Someday I'll change mine up...maybe...miss ya!

{Quellie} said...

Too silly. My kids would really enjoy shopping there, if only we were closer! I saw your post on my blog! Thanks, you are too kind. You should consider hitting your hubby up to move down here. It's the Brookwood ward thing to do! So far we have...Quinn, Allison (Averett) Westenskow & Corinne (Holly) Berrey. Soon Arizona will house Jenny Skousen as well. Orsen Wells (I think that's his name) and another adult from the old ward live here too. If you moved here we could all be trend setters together! Love the new background!

Summer said...

so very cute, and ingenious. wish I'd come up with good ideas like that when I was younger. I just (grumpily) cleaned my room when I was told--silly me, I could have had so much more fun!

Doney Days said...

Lindsay was looking at your blog over my shoulder and wants the Little Pet Shop House thingy. Is shipping free? PMP! (that means Pee My Pants- btw) What a very clever girl! Her room is sure decorated cute.

k8shoe said...

Tell her that she needs to charge at LEAST a quarter for everything!

Katrina said...

That is such a great idea! I think I will have a clearance sale instead of cleaning my house too.

Kitty said...

That looks fun! I wish that I would be up there right now! It looks great!

Traci said...

Too cute! Her room looks like a lot of fun too!

MikeG Family said...

What a funny girl she is! Smart, too. Why didn't I think of such things when I was her age?

Kessee said...

Kids are a crackup. How old is Kaycee now? Jaxton would just shove everything in the closet and close the door, hoping that I would never look in there. Your kids are getting so big. They are gorgeous, just like their mom!

Brooklyn said...

Haha! That is so hilarious and cute! I might try it! Thanks Kaycee:)(hehe)

Ruuddudes said...

Hilarious, little lady! I just love you to pieces!!

Ruuddudes said...

And love the new blog look! So cute! And sassy.

Camille said...

Oh kids do the funniest stuff! Ha ha, good job Kaycee!

Jared and Steph Gunn said...

Hey Karmen,
Just checkin in. Cute daughter. She'll go far with her witty sense. By the way. Did her room ever get clean????

Sondra said...

I'm really glad that my kids aren't there or they'd want to buy all of Kaycee's stuff! Cute Kaycee! No wonder her dad wanted to buy her!

Kitty said...

I think I should do that in my room! I would come and buy everything that was on clearence at your room!